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Case Study

New E-learning Platform For Even Better Online Courses

March 6, 2023

Originally developed by Sanoma Lab, Ucourse is now part of Squad’s LaunchLab collaboration.


Ucourse was first tested as an online education platform for consumers back in 2013 with a focus on leisure courses. The following year, Sanoma lab pivoted towards professional training and realized they needed a partner experienced with building e-learning tools and platforms.


Squads developed a Ucourse platform based on validated learning. We also recruited the first three launching customers and worked with them to build the front- and back-end functionality.

Today, Squads continues to support Ucourse with growth hacking and remains a key member of the company’s commercial development.


Squads helped launch the new version of Ucourse in May 2015. This platform now enables trainers to share presentations, tutorials, and questionnaires while customizing any online components of their offline training. A user-friendly mobile experience and engaging social features help to fully integrate a virtual classroom experience with in-person meet-ups.

Today, Squads continues to support Ucourse with growth hacking and remains a key member of the company’s commercial development.

Client Testimonial

For two years now I’ve immersed myself in e-learning and research on social learning innovation. It is fantastic to work together with a great team of Squads experts on the development of Ucourse.

Marie-Louise KokIntrepreneur at Sanoma Lab and founder at Ucourse